
To create appetizing treats for pets Viten company uses its own original multi-stage baking technology for production of sticks, eadible toys, biscuits and other products for birds,rodents, horses and other pets.
The diversity of used ingredients opens endless opportunities to implement any ideas our clients may have. At the moment our company uses over 200 recipes for birds and rodents sticks, so that each client can benefit from their own special and unique product.

An impressive matrix of more than 350 raw materials, including high quality seeds, cereals, nuts, dried fruits and vegetables, herbs and many other ingredients helps us to create recipes for pets with various nutritional needs and tastes.
We do not only mix together different ingredients with care and precision, but also enrich these rations with additional beneficial nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, herbal extracts, fatty acids, fructooligosaccharides and other.

Pressing technology allows us to produce grass pellets, cold pressed rough pieces and a wide range of edible treats and toys.
We can create a unique shape for your product and realize all your ideas in a field of pressed products for birds, small mammals, horses and other species.

Egg food
Different types of egg-food are an essential addition to the daily bird-food during growth, moulting or breeding periods as well as for helping weak birds to recover.
Viten’s production facilities make it possible to create varied egg foods for different birds including classic yellow, red and white; egg food for insectivorous birds, baby handfeeding food and others. Today we offer you an innovative egg food, which is specially formulated for large-sized birds species, such as parrots and parakeets. In comparison to the basic egg food-types, it contains bigger particles along with a variety of dried exotic fruit, especially loved by this types of birds.

Our flexible moulding technology allows us to create interesting shaped crunchy products with different dimensions and textures.
Complete and complementary foods, treats for pets and egg foods - these are just few possible options for using moulded products. Today we are constantly searching for new forms of moulded products that we can offer our customers. Our R&D specialists are looking over many combinations of forms, textures and compositions, listening to modern trends of animal nutrition and market development.
Viten is
Individual approach

Instant development